Friday, September 26, 2008

How a Scotsman Came to Kokomo

How a Scotsman Came to Kokomo

Many people have asked me how I ended up in Kokomo, all the way from the village of Dollar, Scotland. Here is the answer:

When I was about twelve years old, I told my mother that I would no longer attend Sunday School because to me, Jesus fell into the same category as Santa Claus: a fictitious character which my parents lied to me about.

Later, I traveled to the USA to be a door-to-door book salesman during my summer break from college. I met thousands of people during that time, including Christians. They always wanted to tell me how Jesus Christ had changed their lives. At first, I didn’t understand it, but later I realized that there must have been some truth in it because I could see that their lives really were different: they had love, peace, joy and order in their lives. Instead of trying to get rid of me when I knocked on their doors, they tried to do whatever they could to love me! Some offered me a cold drink, others invited me for dinner. One lady even made me use her phone to call my mother in Scotland and tell her I was safe and well. As I walked away from her house, suddenly I broke down in tears because I couldn’t understand why she loved me. The love of God pierced my cold, sinful heart.

One family invited me to their small church where there were many committed Christians. The first thing the pastor said was, “Before we even start the service this morning, God has laid it on my heart that there is someone here who needs to give their life to Jesus Christ.” I knew in my heart that God was speaking to me and that I had a decision to make. Either I could live the rest of my life for myself, and suffer the consequences, or I could live for God. So I bowed my head, and prayed, “Lord, I’ve been living my life for the wrong reasons. If you will come into my heart, then from now on, I will make every decision based on what you want me to do, and not what I want to do.”

Despite the initial joy and hope of finding the Lord, after a few years, I realized that I had gone from being a miserable sinner to being a miserable Christian. Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) This clearly contradicted my experience, so I told God that he could do utterly anything with me if only I could have this abundant life that Jesus spoke of. In answer to that prayer, God brought me to Kokomo, Indiana to learn how to walk with Him from a German man of God called Reimar Schultze. When I came to the point of total surrender to the will of God in every area of my life, my Christian life really began. Jesus said, “Any of you who does not forsake (renounce, surrender claim to, give up, say good-bye to) all that he has cannot be My disciple.” (Luke 14:33 The Amplified Bible)

Now my life has changed in every area. Every day I praise Jesus for delivering me from eternity in hell. I had sinned, just like you have sinned. Sin is anything that we think, say, or do, that grieves the loving heart of God. Breaking any one of the Ten Commandments is sin. For example: Is anything more important in your life than God? Have you ever cussed? Have you always dedicated one day of the week to worshipping God? Have you ever dishonored your parents in any way, or harbored anger in your heart towards anyone? Have you ever lusted after someone? Have you ever stolen, lied, or spoken behind someone’s back? Have you ever been greedy for what others have? One sin is enough for us to spend eternity in hell and there is no good deed that we can do to cover up our past sins. However sinful I was, I have been cleansed of that by Jesus’ death on the Cross and I have been released from slavery to sin. God has given me the daily joy of walking with Him hand in hand. I have repented of all my sins and I let Him empower me to live a holy life. I have peace with God, peace with men, and peace with the circumstances of my life.

I may not know you, but the reason I posted this is because that I care where you spend eternity. Is God drawing you through this story of what He did for me? If so, be encouraged. Turn to Him in faith, believing on His Son Jesus Christ and turning away from all your sin. Go to church faithfully every week.

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